For much of my early life, the Bible was like a guest book at a wedding—beautifully bound, full of meaning, but mostly sitting unused on the shelf by the front door. I’d take it to church on Sundays, perhaps highlight a verse or two in a Bible study, but then it would rest in a basket by the front porch until the following week. I loved God, but the Bible wasn’t yet alive to me. It wasn’t until my teenage years that I cracked it open during the week and began to read it on my own.
From there, a transformation began. As I entered adulthood, the Bible became a lifeline. At Biola University, I pursued a minor in biblical studies and learned to dig deep into its layers of history, culture, and divine wisdom. Over the last two decades, I’ve read the entire Bible multiple times, and each journey through its pages has revealed new insights and truths.
I am grateful for the Bible—not just as an ancient book but as a guide that brings clarity amidst a culture that constantly tries to rewrite truth. In Proverbs 3:3, we are told, “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.” And in Deuteronomy 11:18: “You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul.” These words remind us that scripture is not just to be read—it is to be woven into the fabric of our lives.
“For much of my life, the Bible was more decoration than lifeline—a book I loved in theory but rarely cracked open outside of church. It wasn’t until I began reading it on my own that its power came alive, shaping my heart and guiding my decisions. The Bible isn’t just a collection of ancient words; it’s the living, active breath of God speaking into our lives today. If we truly grasped the privilege of having scripture at our fingertips, we’d never let it gather dust.”
Becky Crawley
A Historical Perspective
We often take the Bible for granted because of its availability, but that wasn’t always the case. Imagine a world where owning or even reading the Bible was a privilege reserved for only the elite or clergy. Before the invention of the printing press, each copy of the Bible had to be painstakingly handwritten. The first printed Bible, the Gutenberg Bible (A.D. 1455), marked the beginning of a new era—one where scripture became accessible to ordinary people.
Today, the Bible exists in over 700 languages, a testament to the work of dedicated translators and missionaries throughout history. The journey from stone tablets (like the Ten Commandments given to Moses) to the Bible app on your phone is nothing short of miraculous. Each step along the way, whether through the Septuagint in 250 B.C. or the King James Version in 1611, highlights God’s provision in preserving His Word.
The Bible as Our Compass
The Bible’s central message is one of salvation—God’s relentless pursuit of humanity. Written by over 40 authors across 1,500 years, it is a unified story of love, redemption, and grace. From the creation account in Genesis to the promise of a new heaven and earth in Revelation, scripture paints a picture of God’s heart for His people.
What makes the Bible unique is its living power. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword.” How often have you read a passage you’ve seen a hundred times, only to have it speak directly into your current circumstances? That’s the Holy Spirit at work, guiding you into truth and helping you apply God’s Word to your life.
Don’t Let This Gift Collect Dust
In a world overwhelmed by information, entertainment, and distractions, it’s easy to let our Bibles collect dust. But what if we saw it as more than just a book? What if we treated it as a direct line to the God who created us? The Bible equips us to discern truth, resist cultural distortions, and walk in faith.
Let us not forget the sacrifices of those who ensured we could hold scripture in our hands. People like William Tyndale gave their lives so we could read God’s Word in our language. Let’s honor their legacy by cherishing the Bible—not as a duty but as a delight.
If you’ve never read the Bible cover to cover, I challenge you to start today. Begin with the Gospels to meet Jesus personally, or take on a Bible reading plan that spans a year. Whether you study scripture deeply or meditate on a single verse, God’s Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11).
The Bible is more than ink on paper—it’s God’s breath on our souls. Don’t let this privilege pass you by.
Let’s dive in together.
The new year is a perfect time of year to set a new course. If your Bible has been collecting dust or you’ve always wanted to experience the richness and fullness of the whole word of God, I invite you to join an annual Bible reading plan.
Share in the comments—I’d love to hear how God’s Word is shaping your story!

Becky Crawley is a 43-year-old mom, wife, and founder of Orderly, a lifestyle brand dedicated to helping women order their lives around Jesus. With a minor in biblical studies from Biola University and over 25 years of experience leading Bible studies, creating devotionals, and working in Christian publishing, Becky is passionate about making faith practical and accessible. Her life radically changed when she shifted from studying her faith as a subject to exploring a vibrant, decompartmentalized relationship with Jesus. Becky now inspires women to integrate their faith into everyday moments, empowering them to live boldly, embrace adventure, and disciple others.